Diversity and Outreach Statement

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Out of an abundance of concern for the disenfranchisement of African Americans in the United States, the ASNJ has begun a process to re-evaluate its long-term programming and outreach, find ways to better serve diverse communities in New Jersey, and provide a more inclusive environment for disparate voices and opinions to be heard regarding the archaeology of the state’s past. Diversity is essential to ensure the field of archaeology incorporates and considers varied approaches and viewpoints shaped by individual experiences. As archaeologists, we can serve as social activists and are given an ability to help correct inaccurate, revisionist histories and offer a greater voice to individuals and communities historically relegated as “other”. Through archaeology and community involvement, we can create greater inclusivity and provide communities with an avenue to learn about and celebrate diverse cultural heritages. The ASNJ is setting goals to expand its outreach to and involve more ethnically diverse communities through its annual public archaeological studies, speaking with underserved schools to promote archaeology, and developing symposiums that highlight historical experiences of disenfranchised New Jersey communities. We have also begun discussions to form a new research grant to promote scholarly studies on African American cultural history and archaeological contributions in New Jersey. We look forward to striving toward these important goals.