Attention Membership and Supporters of the ASNJ!
Winner of Previous T-Shirt Design Contest
Voting is live for the 2020 ASNJ t-shirt contest! Simply click the link and vote for your favorite! We will announce the winner on November 13!
Click Here to View 2020 ASNJ T-Shirt Voting Form
The design with the most votes will be used as our new T-shirt logo! The winning artist will get a free T-Shirt with their design featured, a free ASNJ membership for the next calendar year, and a copy of Herbert Kraft's 2001 hardcover text The Lenape-Delaware Indian Heritage: 10,00 BC to AD 2000, which contains hundreds of high quality photographs of Native American cultural material from New Jersey.
Thank you for your continued support of the ASNJ, and best of luck!